Routing Disclosure-Rule 606

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s client disclosure rule, Rule 606, requires all broker-dealers that route

orders in equity and options securities to make available quarterly reports that present a general overview of their routing practices. The reports must identify the significant venues to which the client orders were routed for execution during the applicable quarter and disclose the material aspects of the broker-dealer’s relationship with such venues. 

Rule 606 XML Files 

Current Reports:

Q2 2024

Q1 2024

Q4 2023

Q3 2023

Historical Reports:

Q2 2023

Q1 2023

Q4 2022

Q3 2022

Q2 2022

Q1 2022

Q4 2021

Q3 2021

Q2 2021

Q1 2021

Q4 2020

Q3 2020

Q2 2020

Q1 2020

Q4 2019

Q3 2019

Q2 2019